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Soundevice Studio is a professional recording studio in Prague, Czech republic. Above all, our aim is to provide a creative and relaxed atmosphere where musicians can record with the comfort needed to achieve their desired results.

What makes Soundevice Studio stand out among the many recording facilities on offer today, are mainly three things:

Firstly, the sound of our recording room. The recording room adhere to the finest acoustic principles, providing a beautifully warm and crisp sound due to such detailed engineering when the interior was originally built. These acoustics help dramatically to give a great sound from the word “go” and provide an inspiring workspace that will help you to pursue your artistic vision.

Secondly, and no less important, the people who work at Soundevice Studio are experienced musicians themselves. We understand what it takes to get the right feeling for recording your music as well as the technical requirements to achieve the right sound. Our team of producers and audio engineers will always take the time to discuss exactly what is needed to suit your specific concept.

In the third place, it is unusual collection of vintage analog and digital equipment, especially microphones.

Studio Soundevice is based close to Prague City center   and is easily reachable by public transport, but it also offers calm atmosphere and no problem with parking. 
Unusual design together with great accoustic solution  were planned with the idea to  make  the best sound possible.
We offer the best of analog and digital domain, best of vintage and modern world. Our philosophy is to make the best possible sound in the best

​​1) Control Room

The control room, like all of our rooms, is also designed in accordance to strict acoustic principles. Combined with our Klein and Hummel monitoring system it provides for non-fatigueing, critical listening hours. This is an important factor in order to help correctly evaluate what you are actually recording and mixing.
With Pantone chairs in it, the room itself is large enough to sit comfortably and listen back. It is also possible for instruments such as electric guitar or bass, to be played in the control room, while the amplified signal is recorded in either of the recording rooms. This method dispenses the need for headphones and allows the musician more comfort to concentrate on the peformance.


2) Recording Room 1
This is our main recording room which is completely sound-proofed and visually connected to the control room via a large window. Built to the finest acoustic principles its specially treated wooden walls and ceiling, combined with stone walls, are precisely calculated to produce a warm and crisp sound that enhances the natural qualities of any voice, instrument or amplifier. These elements also make it the perfect drum recording room.
Acoustic elements can also be used to fine-tune the room’s acoustics.

3) Recording Room 2
This is where we record signals that have to be isolated from the main recording room, such as guitar and bass amps. This provides perfect separation for the mixing process and as the room is properly carpeted, it offers a less ambient and dryer sounding alternative to our main recording room.


4) Chillout 

This room has a small lounge table and a kitchen corner where we can make coffee and tea and keep other food and beverages refrigerated.

5) Machine Room 

​This is where we have our computer, disks and machines to acustically isolate noise from control room

Soundevice Studio made another brand Soundevice Digital,
which develops our very own line of plugins under UNITED PLUGINS distribution.
You can buy them at:

© Copyright 2012. No animals were harmed in the making

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